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  5. How to use the SureMDM Run Script to Delete or Remove App Accounts installed on a Device

How to use the SureMDM Run Script to Delete or Remove App Accounts installed on a Device

The Android Automotive OS provides a reference user experience and interface for managing users and accounts.


Many users will add their personal Gmail account and install all the apps and games they want. The purpose of this article is to assist Admins in removing such personal accounts and just keeping the work-play accounts.




  1. Log in to the SureMDM console.
  2. Navigate to the Jobs section and click on New Job.
  3. Select the OS as Android and select Run Script.
  4. In the Run Script section, insert the run script available below, as shown in the image.



Run Script to remove all the accounts: 



5. Enter the job name and save it.

6. Click Apply to launch the Apply Job/Profile To Device prompt.

7.In the Apply Job/Profile To Device prompt, select the created run script job and click Apply.

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Updated on February 2024
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