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  5. Job deployment filters based on network

Job deployment filters based on network

Job deployment filters can be configured by administrators to rely on WiFi, Mobile data, or Ethernet connectivity. If the device is not connected to Ethernet, the job will not be deployed. With this, they want to avoid any technical glitches at the system level and use this to deploy the File Transfer jobs as per the customer’s priority request.


The purpose of this article is to provide a guide on how to deploy job filters based on networks.


  • This should be an Install job, File Transfer, or Composite job.


  1. Select an Android device on the SureMDM Console.
  2. Click on Apply.
  3. Select any File Transfer, Install File, or Composite Job.
  4. Expand the Deploy Job On condition drop-down.

Select the Network type that you want to restrict:

  1. Select Wifi Only if the device is connected to WiFi.
  2. Select Mobile Data Only if the device is connected to Mobile data.
  3. Select Ethernet Only or Ethernet or WiFi Only if the devices are Windows, Mac, or Linux when connected to Ethernet.

Note: This applies to all Android devices and enrollment types.

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Updated on June 2023
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