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How to manage Mobile Data Usage with SureMDM

In the world of mobile connectivity, managing data is crucial for businesses seeking the perfect blend of staying connected and managing costs. SureMDM simplifies this task, offering features like setting limits and real-time monitoring.

SureMDM allows you to track and control mobile data costs. These capabilities have been enhanced with the following two new features:

  • Alerts and Limitation
  • Data Usage Report: Mobile Data/WiFi Data/App wise Data Usage


The purpose of the article is to provide a guide on efficiently managing mobile data usage using SureMDM.




Step 1: Alerts and Mobile Data Limitation

The Telecom Management Policy option allows you to set alerts by specifying data usage thresholds for a mobile device for a specific period of time. The options to create allowed levels of data usage and set alerts give you the ability to be well notified before you have to completely block mobile data on a device.

Example: You can configure SureMDM to notify you through an email when the user has reached the 10 MB threshold of mobile data usage per day. You can then block mobile data usage with an alert when the user reaches the 20 MB threshold.

To create a Telecom Management Policy, please follow the steps below.

1. Login to the SureMDM Console.

2. On the home screen, click Jobs and then New Job.

3. On the next screen, select Android and then Telecom Management Policy.

4. On the Telecom Management Policy prompt, give a name to the job, check Enable Telecom Management, and enter the following details:

  • Billing cycle: Monthly, Weekly, Daily or Custom
  • Billing Start date: Whether monthly, weekly, or custom-selected

5. Next, under Configure Mobile Data Limits, create a Limit 1 profile with the following details:

  • Threshold : in MB/GB.
  • Action: Block Data, Send Device Alert, Send MDM Alert, Send Email Alert.

6. Create a Limit 2 profile with the following details:

  • Threshold: in MB/GB
  • Action: Block Data, Send Device Alert, Send MDM Alert, Send Email Alert.

The administrators can select from the following options to select an action or receive alerts when the device exceeds the threshold limit:

  • Block Data: The policy to block mobile data is available only for KNOX, Rooted, and Enterprise Agent-enabled devices. Blocking mobile data can stop devices from connecting to the SureMDM server. This can prevent you from managing and controlling this device through SureMDM. Click on OK to proceed.
  • Device: Alerts go directly to the device user’s mailbox, ensuring users receive specific notifications, keeping them informed and engaged with operational changes.
  • MDM: Alternatively, you can designate the SureMDM admin as the recipient of alerts. This ensures that notifications are directed to the centralized Inbox section within SureMDM
  • Email: You can choose an external email recipient for additional communication outside of the SureMDM platform. Alerts will be sent to the configured email addresses.
  • Apply Job(s) / Profile(s): Click Add to select the job(s) or profile(s) that will be activated on the device when it exceeds the threshold limit.

7. Click Save to complete.

Step 2: Data Usage Report

The new Data Usage feature in SureMDM provides a concise yet detailed report on a device’s total data consumption over a specified timeframe. It enables users to differentiate between Wi-Fi and mobile data usage. Additionally, the feature presents a breakdown of application-wise data consumption, including background and foreground data details. This functionality offers comprehensive insights into your device’s data usage landscape.

To view data usage details for a device in SureMDM,  please follow the steps below.

1. Select the device from the Device List section.

2. On the Quick Action Toolbar, click on More and then Data Usage.

  • Total Data Usage: For the specified period.
  • Billing Cycle: Period, Start Date, and End Date.
  • Mobile Data/WiFi Data : SureMDM’s Data Usage Screen
  • List of Apps: Apps and respective data usage; foreground and background.

NOTE: Foreground data usage will not work for Lollipop and above devices if usage access for the SureMDM Agent option on the device is not enabled.

Any organization that wants to get more than just device and application management from MDM solutions would benefit immensely from these features. The ability to remotely view and manage data usage will equip them to not only keep track of data usage by the mobile workforce but also help them identify the apps that are consuming more mobile or WiFi data.

Note: The network provider’s data usage calculation may differ from your device.

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Updated on January 2024
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