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  4. How to prevent access to Safe Mode on Android Devices with SureLock

How to prevent access to Safe Mode on Android Devices with SureLock

Safe Mode on most Android devices can be activated by a long press on the power button. It’s as simple as that. So, what happens when employees are handed company-owned devices with Android kiosk mode enabled for use? Access to the Safe Mode feature would allow users to bypass any installed Android lockdown mode or management solution (MDM).


The purpose of this article is to provide a guide on how to prevent access to safe mode on Android devices using SureLock. To counter the loophole caused by the Safe Mode feature in Android devices, SureLock offers a Lock Safe Mode function that prevents the user from entering Safe Mode by locking it with a password.


  • Lock Safe Mode feature may not work on Encrypted devices.
  • If you are using any third party apps to change the password policies, this feature may not work as expected.
  • Enabling this feature will remove the PIN/Password set on the device, hence devices are not protected.
  • Please make sure you evaluate this feature on a few devices, before doing the mass deployment.


1. Go to SureLock Home Screen and tap 5 times to launch the password prompt.

2. Enter the admin password to go to Admin Settings.

3. Tap SureLock Settings and then Lock Safe Mode.

4. On the Lock Safe Mode prompt Set a password.

5. Once the password is set, Lock Safe Mode will be Activated.

Now, any time a user tries to enter Safe Mode, SureLock will ask for the password, without which the Safe Mode won’t be accessible.

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Updated on June 2024
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