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  4. How to remotely Execute Commands On AstroContacts App Using SureMDM?

How to remotely Execute Commands On AstroContacts App Using SureMDM?

AstroContacts by 42Gears supports script commands to execute certain actions remotely on AstroContacts application using SureMDM.


– Android devices should have AstroContacts and SureMDM Agent installed.

– Android devices should be enrolled to 42Gears SureMDM Web Console.

Steps to create Run Script jobs and deploy them on Android devices

1. On the Job screen, click New Job.

2. On the Select the OS screen, select Android.

3. On the Select Job Type screen, select Run Script.

4. On the Run Script prompt, enter the Job Name, Script and click Save.

5. Select the device(s) and click Apply.

6. Select the created job and click Apply to push the job to Android device(s).

Following script commands can be remotely execute commands on AstroContacts app using SureMDM:

NOTE: These script commands can be executed only on Android devices.

1. Launch AstroContacts app

am start -n com.gears42.astrocontacts/com.gears42.astrocontacts.MainActivity

2. Login to AstroContacts app

am broadcast -a com.gears42.astrocontacts.ACTION -e action login -e email abc@abc.com -e password 000000

3. Login and Sync the contacts in AstroContacts app

am broadcast -a com.gears42.astrocontacts.ACTION -e action loginandsync -e email abc@abc.com -e password 000000

4. Logout from AstroContacts app

am broadcast -a com.gears42.astrocontacts.ACTION -e action logout


For password protected device settings 

am broadcast -a com.gears42.astrocontacts.ACTION -e action logout -e password 0000

5. Sync contacts to phonebook app

am broadcast -a com.gears42.astrocontacts.ACTION -e action sync

NOTE: Syncing of contacts happens only once.

6. Unsync contacts from phonebook app

am broadcast -a com.gears42.astrocontacts.ACTION -e action unsync


For password protected device settings 

am broadcast -a com.gears42.astrocontacts.ACTION -e action unsync -e password 0000

7. Enable Autosync

am broadcast -a com.gears42.astrocontacts.ACTION -e action autosync -e enabled true


For password protected device settings 

am broadcast -a com.gears42.astrocontacts.ACTION -e action autosync -e enabled true -e password 0000

NOTE: Automatically sync the contacts in phonebook app whenever there is contact modification in the AstroContacts Console.

8. Disable AutoSync

am broadcast -a com.gears42.astrocontacts.ACTION -e action autosync -e enabled false


For password protected device settings 

am broadcast -a com.gears42.astrocontacts.ACTION -e action autosync -e enabled false -e password 0000

9. Enable Auto Remove Duplicate contacts on matching all specified fields

am broadcast -a com.gears42.astrocontacts.ACTION -e action autoremoveduplicates -e enabled true -e condition all -e fields emailId,firstName,phoneNumber,lastName,middleName


For password protected device settings 

am broadcast -a com.gears42.astrocontacts.ACTION -e action autoremoveduplicates -e enabled true -e condition all -e fields emailId,firstName,phoneNumber,lastName,middleName -e password 0000

NOTE: Once enabled, duplicate contacts that match all the specified fields will be removed from the phonebook app on contact sync.

10. Enable Auto Remove Duplicate contacts matching one or many specified fields

am broadcast -a com.gears42.astrocontacts.ACTION -e action autoremoveduplicates -e enabled true -e condition any -e fields emailId,firstName,phoneNumber,lastName,middleName


For password protected device settings 

am broadcast -a com.gears42.astrocontacts.ACTION -e action autoremoveduplicates -e enabled true -e condition any -e fields emailId,firstName,phoneNumber,lastName,middleName -e password 0000

NOTE: Once enabled, duplicate contacts that match one or many specified fields will be removed from the phonebook app.

11. Disable Auto Remove Duplicate contacts on phonebook app

am broadcast -a com.gears42.astrocontacts.ACTION -e action autoremoveduplicates -e enabled false


For password protected device settings 

am broadcast -a com.gears42.astrocontacts.ACTION -e action autoremoveduplicates -e enabled false -e password 0000

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Updated on August 2021
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