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  5. How to Use Things Connector in SureMDM

How to Use Things Connector in SureMDM

42Gears Things Management Framework allows IT admins to remotely monitor and manage connected devices – “Things” through SureMDM. These “Things” are devices which perform very specific functions with limited connectivity with the host machine over USB, Bluetooth, and WiFi such as card readers, smart bulbs, Bluetooth headsets, etc.

To know more about Things Management,  please refer to this article


The purpose of this knowledge article is to provide a step-by-step guide on how to use the 42Gears Things Management Framework in SureMDM to remotely monitor and manage connected devices.


To use the 42Gears Things Management Framework in SureMDM, you need to download the latest version of the SureMDM Agent for Things.

Please download the latest version of SureMDM Agent for “Things”  here.


1. Log in to the SureMDM Web Console.

2. On SureMDM home, click Settings > Account Settings.

3. On the Account Settings page, go to the Things Management tab. Under the Things Management section, click Enable Things Gateway.

4. Once you click the Enable button, a Things Management folder will be created in the Jobs section with the following Jobs: 

  • Install Connector for Datalogic Connector
  • Install Connector for Network Printer Connectors

5. Install the SureMDM Agent for Things on the device and enroll it to the SureMDM web console.

6. Select a host machine and click Apply.

7. Select the Things Management folder on the Apply Job/Profile to Device prompt.

8. Choose the desired job(s) and click Apply.

9. Wait for the installation of the desired connector(s) on the device.

10. The newly enrolled Thing will start reflecting under the device grid.

11. Use the options available on the SureMDM Web Console to control the properties of the Thing.

By following these steps, you can use the 42Gears Things Management Framework in SureMDM to remotely monitor and manage connected devices.

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Updated on March 2023
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