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  5. <strong>How to find the parameters to access details through an API using Google Colab.</strong>
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  4. <strong>How to find the parameters to access details through an API using Google Colab.</strong>

How to find the parameters to access details through an API using Google Colab.

In this article, we will explore the process of finding the parameters to be passed to access details through an API using Google Colab. Accessing details through an API involves sending requests to a server and receiving responses containing the desired information. However, many APIs require parameters to be included in the requests to specify the exact data required or to customize the response. 


The purpose of this knowledge article is to provide a guide on how to find the parameters to access the details using an API.




  1. Navigate to the Google Colab URL using this link.
  1. Navigate to GitHub and enter 42Gears in the search panel.
  1. Select Repository as 42Gears/SureMDM-API and under the branch, you can select Master or Sprint.
  1. Once done, select SureMDM_API.ipynb under Path 
  1. This will launch a new page with examples of APIs and information on which parameters to use where within the API, along with APIs.
  2. Under Setup prerequisites for making API calls to SureMDM, update the details for url, APIKey, and credentials with your respective details from your SureMDM account.
  3. Follow the steps mentioned in this blog to find the API key for your SureMDM account.
  4. Scroll through the page to find the various APIs available and the parameters that are to be passed.

For more information on the other APIs we have, visit https://developer.42gears.com.

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Updated on March 2024
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