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  4. How to use SureLock Applications Analytics Reports In SureMDM?

How to use SureLock Applications Analytics Reports In SureMDM?

SureMDM allows IT admins to generate custom usage reports for applications managed by SureLock. This SureLock Analytics report can be generated for single or multiple devices for specific dates using SureMDM Web Console.

Note: SureLock Analytics is available only for Enterprise account.

Steps to generate SureLock Analytics reports

1. Login to SureMDM Web Console.

2. On SureMDM Home, click on Settings and Account Settings.

3. On Account Settings screen, click Data Analytics.

4. Next, enable Enable Data Analytics and SureLock Analytics options.

5. Click Show for Secret Key.

6. Note down the secret key and click Apply.

7. A prompt will appear on the SureMDM Console to enable SureLock Analytics. Click Yes to apply on all devices or click No to enable it for specific devices.

Note: This prompt appears only when the SureLock Analytics option is enabled for the first time.

As soon as you apply analytics settings, automatically, the job gets created and pushed to the devices. You can verify this on the device by following the steps given below:

SureLock > Admin Settings > SureLock Settings > SureLock Analytics > tap SureLock Analytics.

You can see the app analytics option is enabled on the device.

If devices are enrolled after configuring analytics on the SureMDM console, you can follow the below steps:

8. Once the settings is applied successfully, click on Jobs and New Jobs.

9. Select Android as the Operating System and on Select Job Type screen, click on Run Script job.

10. On the Run Script prompt, enter a job name and use the following script in the script field:



Note: Secret Key is the key copied in step no. 5.

11. Click Save.

12. Go to SureMDM Home and select the device(s) or group(s).

13. Click Apply to launch the Apply Job/Profile To Device prompt.

14. In the Apply Job/Profile To Device prompt, select the newly created runscript job and click Apply.

Once the job is applied to the device(s), app analytics option will be enabled automatically on the device(s).

15. Go to Reports and you will find a default Application Usage Analytics report under On Demand and Scheduled report.

Note: By default Application Usage Analytics report will be added when you enable SureLock Analytics.

16. If you want to create a Custom Reports continue with the steps below.

17. On Custom Reports screen, click on Add.

18. Give a name and description to the report.

19. From the Table List, select SureLock Analytics and click Add to add it under Selected Table List.

20. Click Save.

21. Now, go to On Demand Reports and select the created Custom Report, select the device or group and the date range.

22. Click Request Report.

23. Go to View Reports tab and use Download or View link to download or view the report.

Note: Report will be generated after 24 hours after SureLock Analytics is enabled and applied. If you want the report to be generated whenever required then create and apply a Run Script job with below run script:

am broadcast -a com.gears42.surelock.COMMUNICATOR -e password 0000 -e command export_analytics

SureMDM offers comprehensive analytics for enrolled devices. To learn more about third-party App Analytics Reporting in SureMDMclick here.

Sign up for a free SureMDM trial here.

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Updated on June 2021
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