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  5. How to change the wallpaper on Android devices running with SureLock
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  4. How to change the wallpaper on Android devices running with SureLock

How to change the wallpaper on Android devices running with SureLock

Wallpaper apart from being an element to introduce aesthetics to an Android device’s home screen can also be used for branding purposes when the devices are supposed to be used for official purposes. Using SureLock, admins can find a wide range of options to change, manage, personalize and even customize the SureLock home screen based on the branding needs.


The purpose of this knowledge article is to provide a guide on how to change the wallpaper on SureLock Home Screen.


  • Wallpaper on SureLock Home Screen cannot be changed if the device is running in trial mode.


1. Install and Launch SureLock.

2. Access SureLock Admin Settings.

3. On the SureLock Settings screen, navigate to SureLock Settings. You will see the below options related to Wallpaper under Home Screen Settings.

  • Wallpaper : Use this option to set the wallpaper on the SureLock home screen based on the device orientation. The admin can set different wallpapers for Landscape mode, Portrait mode, Lock Screen mode, Loading screen mode. Admin can also set a custom message for Loading screen mode.
  • Wallpaper Position : Use this option to set the position of the wallpaper. Admin can choose to either set the wallpaper position as Center or Fill based on the requirement.
  • Use System Wallpaper : Check this option to set system wallpaper as SureLock Home Screen wallpaper.
  • Background Color : Check this option and it will prompt you with a Select a Color prompt. Select the color from the color picker or enter a HEX Color Code which will further be set as the background color for SureLock Home Screen.

4. Once the settings are configured, Save the settings and go back to SureLock Home Screen to see the changes in the Wallpaper of the device.

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Updated on April 2023
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