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  3. How to change wallpaper on SureFox home screen using SureMDM for Android devices

How to change wallpaper on SureFox home screen using SureMDM for Android devices

Having an apt wallpaper set on the device has many benefits. One such use case is using the device for branding purposes. The simplest way of branding is setting the company logo as the wallpaper in the SureFox homescreen of the devices.

Using SureMDM, Admins can set the background wallpaper on a large number of devices remotely in a blink of an eye hence reducing the resources and time needed to complete this task manually on every device.


The purpose of this knowledge article is to provide a guide on how to change wallpaper on SureFox home screen using SureMDM for Android devices.


  • You can also create a composite job with the below two jobs and apply it to the device(s).
  • Admin can set different wallpapers for Landscape and portrait mode.


Step 1 : Create a file transfer job to transfer the wallpaper image to the device.

  1. Admin will first need to create a File transfer job and upload the file to be transferred to the job. 
  2. Once the file is uploaded successfully, a file transfer job will be created in the console.
  3.  Admin can now push this job to transfer the file to the internal storage of the device(s). Detailed steps are mentioned here.

Step 2 : Make changes in the SureFox settings to set the transferred image file as Wallpaper.

  1. Once the job created in Step 1 is pushed successfully on the device, the Admin will need to create a SureFox Settings job with the below settings:

Steps : Go to SureFox Admin Settings > Display Settings > Wallpaper > Landscape/Portrait Wallpaper > Browse and select the file transferred to the device from Step 1.

  1. The easiest way to do this is by configuring one of the test devices with the above changes and applying the same SureFox settings to the other devices. You can do this using SureMDM too. Click here for details.

Once done, Apply this job to the device(s) and the wallpaper on the device would be changed to the desired wallpaper.

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Updated on March 2025
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