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  5. How to auto power off an Android device when a charger is disconnected from the device using SureLock?

How to auto power off an Android device when a charger is disconnected from the device using SureLock?

Using SureLock, the admin can set a time (in minutes/seconds) to delay the device from turning Off after the USB charger is disconnected from the device. This is possible on Android devices with signature permissions or CSDK installed on this device to support this feature, or on the devices which are in Device Owner mode.

Below are the steps to check this feature.

  1. Install and Launch SureLock.
  2. Access SureLock Admin Settings.
  3. In the Admin Settings screen, tap on SureLock settings.
  4. Navigate to Auto Power Off When Charger is Disconnected and enable this option.
  5. You will be navigated to a screen to set the timer in minutes or seconds. Save the changes and go back to the SureLock Home screen.

Once done, you will notice that the device will power off in the time duration saved in the SureLock settings when the USB charger is plugged off.

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Updated on August 2021
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