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  5. How to get the SureMDM device name on the SureLock Title Bar
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  4. Android Management
  5. How to get the SureMDM device name on the SureLock Title Bar

How to get the SureMDM device name on the SureLock Title Bar

It is a sensible request when the admin wants to display the name of the device in SureMDM on the SureLock to help him recognise the device. SureLock has an option through which admins can do this.


The purpose of this knowledge article is to provide a guide on how to get the SureMDM device name on the SureLock Title Bar.




  1. Install and Launch SureLock.
  2. Access SureLock Admin Settings.
  3. In the Admin Settings screen, tap on SureLock Settings.
  4. Go to Title Bar Settings and check the Show Title Bar option. 
  1. Further, tap on Text and add the below tag.


6. Save the configuration changes.

Once done, you will notice that the device name shown in the SureMDM web console will be displayed in the title bar of SureLock.

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Updated on May 2023
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