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  5. How to Upload larger-size files to the SureMDM On-Premises console?
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  4. How to Upload larger-size files to the SureMDM On-Premises console?

How to Upload larger-size files to the SureMDM On-Premises console?

We might come across scenarios when we are trying to upload a large size of .apk or files to the SureMDM On-Premise console and it fails.

In such scenarios, we must first validate if you are able to upload the small size of APK or files into the SureMDM console through the Install App or File Transfer job. 

​Further, you might want to check the uploadReadAheadSize parameter in the IIS manager. When the application size exceeds the uploadReadAheadSize value, you will encounter the Error in HTTP request, received HTTP status 413 (Request Entity Too Large) error.

The quickest solution is to increase the upload size limit. IIS uses the uploadReadAheadSize parameter in applicationHost.config and web.config files to control this limit.

Steps to change the value of this parameter:

1. Open IIS Manager on SureMDM hosted server

2. Select the default SureMDM site. 

3. Double click on Configuration Editor and select system.webServer and then serverRuntime

5. Modify the uploadReadAheadSize value

6. Click Apply

You can click here for details on Server Storage Config.

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Updated on July 2022
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